11 September 2023
Amol Minechem Limited (Formerly known as Amol Dicalite Limited) is the largest producer of Perlite based products in the country with a sizeable market share. It commands a strong leadership position in the product market. The Company produces high quality Perlite based products and supplies to domestic as well as International markets. The Company has a wide range of products to cater different industries depending upon the applications. In addition to being well-known in the industry as a pioneer, its product commands a strong brand image. Due to the efforts made by the Company in new applications and customer development, the domestic market has significantly developed over the years
With the Post COVID – 19 effects being subdued, there has been sales growth and the market demand of the Thermal insulation compared to previous year. With the reduction in Finance Cost and Raw Material Cost, there has been incline in the profit margins of the Company.
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