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Harshavardhan Chitale is to be appointed by Signify to the Board of Management.
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    Harshavardhan Chitale is to be appointed by Signify to the Board of Management.

    21 September 2022

    The leader in lighting in the world, Signify, has announced that Harshavardhan (Harsh) Chitale, the head of the division that oversees digital solutions, will be joining the Board of Management.
    In order to grow the business in Greater India, Harsh Chitale joined Signify in 2015. Since 2017, he has served as the division's leader of Digital Solutions (formerly known as Business Group Professional). Harsh previously had a number of managerial positions with HCL Infosystems, Honeywell, and Tata in both India and the USA before joining Signify.
    Harsh, an Indian national, graduated from the Indian Institute of Technology in Delhi with a B. Tech in Electrical Engineering.
    The appointment of Harsh Chitale to the Board of Management will be proposed by the Supervisory Board at the annual general shareholder meeting in May 2023.