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Notice of 10th AGM to the members of Fincare Business Services Ltd. - 30th September, 2024
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    Notice of 10th AGM to the members of Fincare Business Services Ltd. - 30th September, 2024

    06 September 2024

    Notice is hereby given that the 10th Annual General Meeting (the 'AGM') of the members of Fincare Business Services Limited (formerly known as Fincare Business Services Private Limited) will be held on Monday, 30th day of September 2024 at 2:30 P.M. at the registered office of the Company situated at 301 & 302, Abhijeet - V Opp. Mayor Bungalow, Law Garden Road, Mithakhali, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India, to transact the following business:

    Ordinary Business:

    • To consider and adopt the audited financial statements (including the consolidated financial statements) of the Company for FY24, and the reports of the Board of Directors and auditors thereon.
    • To appoint and fix the remuneration of Statutory Auditors

    M/s Bilimoria Mehta & Co, Chartered Accountants, Firm Registration Number- 101490W, be and are hereby recommended for appointment as Statutory Auditors of the Company at the ensuing 10th Annual General Meeting to hold office until the conclusion of the 13th Annual General Meeting of the Company at a remuneration of INR 4,00,000/- plus taxes including annual statutory audit, tax audit, and other statutory certificates.

    Special Business:

    • ​To consider and approve the Voluntary Liquidation of the Company.
    • To approve the appointment and remuneration of the Liquidator.

    ​The consent of the shareholders of the Company be and is hereby accorded to appoint Mr. Dilipkumar Natvarlal Jagad, an Insolvency Professional holding Registration number IBBI/IPA-001/IP-P00233/2017-2018/10462, as the Liquidator of Fincare Business Services Limited (‘the Company’), for the voluntary liquidation of the Company at a remuneration of INR 7,50,000/- (Rupees Seven Lakh Fifty Thousand Only) plus applicable taxes, exclusive of any other liquidation expenses at actuals, reimbursement of actual out-of-pocket expenses that may be incurred in the process of voluntary liquidation of the Company, and on such terms and conditions as may be mutually agreed between the Company and the Liquidator.

    • Declaration of Solvency

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