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Notice of 34th AGM to the members of Utkarsh Coreinvest Ltd. - 23rd September, 2024
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    Notice of 34th AGM to the members of Utkarsh Coreinvest Ltd. - 23rd September, 2024

    02 September 2024

    Notice is hereby given that the 34th annual general meeting of the members of Utkarsh Coreinvest Limited (UCL or the company) is scheduled to be held on September 23, 2024, at 3:00 pm via Microsoft Teams video conference. The meeting ID is 423 381 428 348 passcodes: PFGTYH or teams@utkarsh.onpexip.com; VC id: 137 454 5014. The meeting will be held at the company's registered office - s-24/1-2, fourth floor, Mahavir Nagar, Orderly Bazar, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India 221002. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss and approve various business matters:

    Ordinary Business:

    • To review and approve the Company's financial statements for FY24, along with the reports from the Board of Directors and Auditors.
    • To appoint a director in place of Mr. Aditya Deepak Parekh (DIN: 02848538). Who retires by rotation and being eligible, offers his candidature for re-appointment.

    Special Business:

    • To approve the Annual Commission payable to the Chairperson for FY24.

    They proposed that by the Company's Articles of Association Article 25 (d), and pending any necessary regulatory approval, the Company's members approve an annual commission payment of Rs. 9,00,000/- (Rupees Nine lakh Only) to the Chairperson. This payment will be made from profits and excludes sitting fees and reimbursement of expenses related to attending Board and committee meetings.

    • To Approve the Remuneration of the Managing Director & CEO of the Company for the FY25.

    ​Proposed that as per the Companies Act, 2013, and other relevant laws, and based on the recommendations of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee and the Board of Directors, the shareholders have approved revising Mr. Suman Saurabh's annual gross fixed remuneration to Rs 60,00,000/- per annum effective from April 1, 2024. The approved benefits and perquisites for the Company's employees will also apply to Mr. Saurabh.

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