06 February 2024
We take a look at 3 startups that presented their models to the Sharks & understand the reasons behind their securing deals. Let’s look at a few pointers before we delve into the startups that were able to conclude deals:
• 𝗧𝗶𝗴𝗴𝗹𝗲 is a startup offering a Vegan, dairy-free, ready-to-make chocolate mix. Their target audience is across all age groups. Tiggle sells its products in both offline & online modes. They also have a website which goes by the name ‘thetiggle.com’. Globally, the market of Chocolate drinks is estimated at 10-15%. In India, this market is estimated at ₹20,000 Cr.
• The second startup that pitched on Shark Tank was 𝗪𝗬𝗟𝗗 which offers a Worldwide Social Currency Payment card that aims to monetise social networks of people. Infact the WYLD Cards can also be used for both Offline & Online purchases by customers.
• The third startup that presented itself in front of the Sharks was 𝗨𝗽𝗹𝗶𝗮𝗻𝗰𝗲.𝗮𝗶. Upliance is a smart cooking assistant jar offering 16 different cooking modes & unlimited recipes.
Now let’s look at the reasons behind the startups securing or failing to secure deals from the sharks:
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