As of September 18, 2024, Sanathan Textiles, Unlisted share price is ₹424.00 per share and the face value is ₹10.00/share. The lot size of Sanathan Textiles is None shares. The 52-week high for Sanathan Textiles stock price is ₹424, while the 52-week low is ₹424
An International Securities Identification Number (ISIN) is a code that uniquely identifies a specific securities issue. The numbers are allocated by a country's respective national numbering agency (NNA).
Face Value
₹ 10
Value of a security, as stated by its issuer. It has no relation with market price of the stock.
Total Share
Total shares or total number of shares outstanding represents the amount of stock on the open market, including shares held by institutional investors and restricted shares held by insiders and company officers.
It is a valuation parameter that measures the company's current share price relative to its per-share earnings. Generally, high P/E is Overvalued & low P/E is Undervalued.
Market Capitalisation
₹ 3,050.38 Cr
Market capitalization is the aggregate valuation of the company based on its current share price and the total number of outstanding shares.
Enterprise Value
₹ 3,050.38 Cr
It measures companys total value, which includes market capitalization, debt and excludes cash.
Consumer Discretionary
A sector is an area in which businesses share the same or a related product or service. It can also be known as an industry or market that shares common operating characteristics
Subsectors are the divisions of a sector. They are areas that vary from the rest of the sector substantially enough to justify creating a plan just for the subsector.
Category is defined as a class or division of things regarded as having particular shared characteristics.
Sanathan Textiles Growth
Compounded Sales Growth
Market leader: Sanathan Textiles Limited is a leading Indian manufacturer and exporter of yarns, specializing in polyester filament yarn, high tenacity filament yarn, Aiirtex yarns, twisted yarns, and cotton yarn.
Product portfolio: The company has a diversified product portfolio with capability to manufacture more than 12,900 varieties of yarn products with more than 100,000 SKUs that are used in various forms and for varied end uses.
Revenue growth: Over the past 3 years, the company's revenue has consistently increased, achieving a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 63% from FY20 to FY23.
Business Rating
Accounting Practice
Overall Ratings
Our Team
Paresh V. Dattani( Chairman and Managing Director )
He has been on the Board of THE Company since October 10, 2005. Apart from overall supervision - production, raw material and human resources are the areas of responsibility in the Company.