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HDFC Securities Pre IPO (Review & Analysis) | HDFC Securities Unlisted Shares | Planify

Discover and get info on HDFC Securities Unlisted Pre IPO Share before buying, selling, or investing - Complete Review, Analysis, Products, Strengths, Financials & Valuations, Promoters, latest News and estimated returns.

HDFC Securities is the third-largest stock broking company which is the part of a very renowned group which is HDFC.

HDFC provides multiple account facilities to all the investors under one roof. HDFC Securities has 6.5 Lacks active investors and holds the USP of providing services to retail and institutional investors.

HDFC Securities chairman Bharat Shah and CEO Dhiraj Relli have over 40 years of experience in financial services. According to ICRA HDFC Securities short term as well as long term funds have been given AAA ratings.

Total Revenue of the firm increased from 553 Cr in 2017 to 781 Cr in 2019 showing CAGR of 41%. The net profit of the company increased from 216 Cr in 2017 to 329 Cr in 2019 with a CAGR of 23.4%. When compared to its peers HDFC Securities have a strong operating margin, further HDFC group owns about 97.9% stakes in HDFC Securities.

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