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Kurlon Enterprise Limited Pre IPO (Review & Analysis) | Kurlon Unlisted Share Price | Planify

Discover and get info on Kurl-On Enterprise Pre IPO Shares, Unlisted and De-listed Shares Stocks before buying, selling, or Investing - View our Research report on Kurl-On, check the latest news, valuations and estimated returns. 

About the Company:
Kurlon Enterprises is a company operating in the mattress industry in India. The company was incorporated in 2011 as a 99.9% subsidiary owned by Kurlon Limited.

Strengths of the Company:
1. Well established brand name in the coir industry
2. network of 10000+ dealers to help the company to expand across India

Financials of the Company:
1. Total assets of the company has been increasing with a CAGR of 9.8%
2. Total revenue increased with a CAGR of 33.42% from 2016 to 2019

Kurlon Limited is the holding company and currently holds 85.06% shares of Kurl on Enterprises.

Check the complete Research Report on Kurl-On Enterprise Limited and keep yourself updated on latest News on Kurl-On at:

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