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Muthoot Microfinance IPO (Review & Analysis) | Muthoot Microfin Share Price & Allotment | Planify

Discover and get info on Muthoot Microfinance IPO Stock before buying, selling or Investing - Read our Research report on MML, check the latest news, valuations and estimated returns.

About the Company:
Muthoot Microfinance Limited (MML) is a part of the Muthoot Pappachan Group (MPG). MPG is one of the leading business conglomerates, with a presence in multiple verticals. Muthoot Microfin Limited is a leading microfinance institution focussed on providing microloans to women customers predominantly in rural regions of India.

Strengths of the Company:
1. The company has 537 branches across India serving over 14.35 Lac People
2. The company has disbursed loans worth ₹ 10, 400 Cr

Financials of the Company:
1. Revenue jumped 85% from 243 Cr in 2018 to 451 Cr in 2019.
2. Net Profits jumped 105% from 37 Cr in 2018 to 76 cr in 2019.

Promoters of the company include Thomas Muthoot, Thomas George Muthoot, Thomas John Muthoot, Nina George, Preethi John, and Remmy Thomas.

Check the complete Research Report on Muthoot Microfinance Limited and keep yourself updated on latest News on MML at:

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