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Studds: Record Date for Bonus Equity Shares
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    Studds: Record Date for Bonus Equity Shares

    27 December 2024

    Studds Accessories Limited, in its Board Meeting held on December 24, 2024, has approved the eligibility and terms for the issuance of bonus shares. The details are as follows:

    1. Record Date:
      The record date for determining eligibility for the bonus shares is set for Friday, January 10, 2025.

    2. Bonus Ratio:
      Shareholders will receive bonus shares in the ratio of 1:1, i.e., one new bonus share for every one existing fully paid-up equity share of ₹5/- each.

    3. Mode of Credit:

      • Shareholders holding shares in dematerialized form will have the bonus shares credited directly to their demat accounts.
      • Shareholders holding shares in physical form will have their bonus shares credited to a separate escrow account.

    4. Rights of Bonus Shares:
      The bonus shares will carry the same rights and privileges as the existing fully paid equity shares.

    This notice is issued under the authority of the Board and is signed by:

    Asha Mittal
    Company Secretary
    For and on behalf of the Board
    Studds Accessories Limited
